Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Need Some Motivation? Tips Here...

To Battle Depression
There is a healthier way to feeling better about life than taking a bunch of anti-depressants. Exercise should be fun and not feel like work! Find something that excites you.  Stop feeling sorry for yourself, sitting around the house alone and being miserable!  You owe it to yourself to feel great and be happy! So, get out there and find something fun; be it a 20 minute or 60 minute workout, you will feel amazing afterwards!  24 days to form a new healthy habit, who knows you may even gain some lean muscle and loose a few inches of fat!

To Feel Sexy
Take dancing lessons! This is a great alternative to convential forms of exercise! Great way to firm up in just a few weeks! Go for it and work it like the pros; in high heels, that'll really get your workout going!

To Stay Healthy
Maybe you are on all kinds of pills; for glucose levels, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and so on. Get off those pills!!  Exercise is the answer!! Get up and move, find something fun! Kickboxing, dancing, bootcamp, swimming, walking, running.

For The Kids
Be healthy for your kids so they will have you around longer, so you have more energy to play with them, talk with them, be there for them! Not only that you will be setting a great example in showing them how to live a healthy happy life!  Showing is so much better than telling!

To Achieve New Goals
I work out because I discover something new about myself each week!  Sure, I want to get a flat stomach and look toned but that's really more a happy byproduct!

It's being able to finally touch the floor or my toes in a stretch, increasing my weights by 5-10 pounds or putting in that extra mile (literally) when I run!!  I feel so energized and excited!  I used to only be able to lift 5lbs doing shoulder lifts now I can lift 12lbs!!!

To Feel Happier
I LOVE the endorphins after my workouts!!  A natural high on life is the best! It is why I work out, the best benefit of exercise, feeling better about yourself! After a great workout, you leave with the feeling you can conquer anything, an "I can do it" attitude!!

To Build Stamina
As we get older it takes longer to recover from a big night out with our friends, a weekend of hiking and climbing. Have a marathon you would like to enter and need to build your cardio up?  Just a week or two will show great benefits!! It doesn't take long, it takes commitment to yourself!  Arn't you worth it?

To Have Your Cake (and Eat It Too)
For those of you that know me, know I own my own cake studio and design wedding and party cakes!  So, I obviously have a sweet tooth! However, I keep everything in moderation! I don't deprive myself of my sweets as I know when you do you end up having a binge day!! There is nothing wrong with having what we call a "cheat meal" not a "cheat day"!!  I believe your body craves certain foods for a reason but with in limits! For those of us that crave to many sweets you may not be feeding your body the nutritients it requires to feel good! I work out to ensure my lfe is long and healthy as well as to look good.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Balancing Healthy Work-Life

Men and women alike often struggle to maintain a healthy work-life balance, and it gets even more challenging as you move higher in an organization.

Susan Rowe, principal coach & founder of Rowepryal; Evelyne Sevin, partner at Egon Zehnder International; Jane French, head of strategy and product development at Citi; Greg Ellison, managing director at Barclays Wealth; and Anat Bar-Gera, chairperson at 4G Africa, all shared their advice on balancing a demanding career with raising a family. Among the common threads in their panel discussion:

First and foremost, love what you do. Make sure you’re passionate about your job, otherwise it’s impossible to do your best work, let alone balance it with family obligations, social engagements and hobbies.

Don’t let life happen to you — make choices. Some people have more energy than others. Know your limits and schedule your time accordingly. Learn to outsource whatever you don’t like to do. Don’t enjoy cleaning the house? Then pay someone to do it for you. If you don’t have time to bake a homemade cake for your child’s bake sale, bring in a store-bought one.

Don’t feel guilty about making time for your family. Both work and family are important, and there will be times when you need to prioritize one over the other. This is normal over the course of a career and if you choose your workplace with care, your employer will respect your choices.

Don’t neglect yourself. The soft issues — such as workplace culture — really do matter. You won’t be able to do your best work if your values don’t align with those of your work environment. If you’re passed over for a promotion because you’re pregnant, it’s probably time to consider a change in company, or forge out on your own. If you need to fit in a daily jog to maintain equilibrium, set aside the time and don’t apologize for it.

Choose your husband, wife or partner carefully. Once you’re married, you’re an ecosystem doing the work-life dance together.
Recalibrate daily. You might not feel like you’re maintaining a work-life balance every single day. Take time to reflect and change your plan for the following day accordingly

Finally, keep learning and have fun.

What work-life balance advice do you have to offer?

Article curtesy of

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Beachbody Coach Success Story

Fitness has changed my life! Working from home has enabled me to spend more valuable time with my husband and girls! I can work full time with my wedding cake business while working my fitness business part time and bring in extra money for vacations with the family! Invest in yourself to be all you can become and watch this video to learn more. Message me so I can help get you get started on your freedom!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How to Treat Sore Shin Splints

In mild cases you can treat shin splins with some simple steps.

* Rest - give your body time to recover. Avoid high intensity activity and keep to low impact for a few days or until you are not sore any longer. Try swimming, bicycling or water running for some low impact activies to keep you moving.

* Ice the affected area - apply ice packs to the affected shin for 15 to 20 minutes at a time, 4 to 8 times a day, for several days. Protect your skin with a thin towel.

* Reduce swelling - elevate your legs at night above your heart.

* Take an over-the-counter pain reliever - try ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others), naproxien (Aleve) asprin or acetaminophen (Tylenol) to reduce pain.

* Wear the proper shoes - see a doctor for additional advice for specialized fitting shoes. Also, some stores will help you find the best fit for you and let you try them out for a month!

* Consider Arch Supports - add some cushion with arch supports. Sold off the shelf and they also can be custom-made from a plaster cast of your foot.

Friday, October 8, 2010

How to avoid sore shin splints and strengthen your calfs.

How to avoid sore shin splits and strengthen your calf muscles.

* Add some Arch Supports - If you have flat feet, arch supports can help with providing additional cushion.

* Choose the Correct Shoes - Running sneakers are for running. Besure to replace them every 350-500 miles. Cross trainers are best for high intensity and lots of plyo. They also help in providing extra support for the ankles and calfs.

* Lessen the Impact - Start new activities slowly and increase intensity over time. Start with low impact and gradually increase to high impact.

* Add Strength Training - Often calfs are weak and need strengthening. Try toe raises. ** I highly recommend these** Stand up and slowly rise up on your toes, then slowly lower your heals. (these can be done on either the flat floor or the stairs. I prefer the stairs as it provides a better calf stretch and longer range in raising your foot). If and when this becomes easy try adding hand weights and increase the weight as it becomes easier.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Kick up your Metabolism with some Muscle!!

Build muscle! This is the most important action you can take to maintain a high metabolic rate while trying to lose weight. Strength training prevents you from losing a lot of muscle along with the fat you lose when dieting. If you don’t strength train regularly, up to 30% of the weight you lose could be muscle tissue. Considering that a pound of muscle burns about 3 times more calories per day than a pound of fat even when you’re sitting still (and up to 15-20 times more calories per minute when you're physically active), you can see the problems this can cause. If you lose 20 pounds of weight (and 30% of that weight loss is muscle—seven pounds), you’ll be slowing your metabolism and your fat burning capacity down by a significant amount. A simple strength training program twice a week can limit your muscle loss to almost zero, and keep your metabolism running high.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Muscle Equals Youth - Training when over 40 years of age?

Have you ever seen two people who were both 60 years old but one of them looks 70 and the other looks 45? Age can't be measured by the calendar alone. There are several well established "bio markers of aging" that are used to give more accuracy to the assessment of physical age. Guess what? The amount of muscle your body contains is one of the principle bio markers of aging. The more muscle you have, the younger you are. Another bio marker of aging is bone density. Guess what the number one method is of increasing bone density? Heavy, weight bearing exercise!
Complete article here:

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Get n Fit n Healthy: My Fitness Journey

Get n Fit n Healthy: My Fitness Journey: "I have been doing Insanity and lost 4 inches in total. My goal is to lose a little weight and get toned!! I have not lost much weight but..."

My Fitness Journey

I have been doing Insanity and lost 4 inches in total.  My goal is to lose a  little weight and get toned!!  I have not lost much weight but that is because I  have gaind lots of muscle- which weighs the same as fat but MUCH leaner and takes up less room.  I love how I look, my clothes fit better and I feel better!!  Insanity is tough and hard work but I love it!!!

I am on my last week of round 2 of Insanity and will begin a Shakeology Cleanse next week.  Looking forward to cleaning out my system!!